Monday 11 March 2013

Top 10 treatments for Acne
Acne is a human skin disease with characteristic scary red skin, white heads, blackheads, pinheads and large papules. Most people develop acne at some stage of their life, but it most attacks teenagers at their puberty due to hormonal changes at this stage.
Acne Causes and incidences
Acne occurs when tiny pores in the skin become clogged. These pores open to follicles that contain hair and oil gland. Oil is released to keep the skin soft and get rid of dead skin. When too much oil is produced, skin pores become clogged. Bacteria and dirt build up at the pore leading to infection. That blockage is called comedone. If at the top is white, it is a whitehead. If it is black, it becomes a blackhead. Cysts form when acne goes deep into the skin. They are normally hard and painful. Occasionally, acne breaks open leading to swelling and bumps on the skin.
As stated earlier, hormonal changes are the major factors that cause acne. This may be due to body development at puberty, menstrual cycle, pregnancy, stress or use of birth control pills. Use of overly oily cosmetics and skin lotions can also lead to acne. People who live in hot, high humidity areas are also likely to get the infection. Such people sweat heavily but there is less evaporation of sweat. Use of steroids, estrogens and testosterone may cause acne. Infection commonly appears on the face, arms, breast region, buttocks and at shoulders. These areas have high concentration of hair follicles and thus have many pores.
Acne prevention
Here are few guidelines on how to prevent acne.
ü  Wash the face regularly; it is important to clean the face regularly with the use of a mild deodorant. This removes dead skin, dirt and oil. Harsh soaps may inflame the skin.
ü  Know your type of skin; the knowledge of your type of skin will help choose the best skin products to use. The major skin types include, dry skin, oily skin and natural skin.
ü  Keep the skin moisturized; Moisturized skin is supple and soft. Try keeping the skin in this state by use of skin gels and moisturizing lotions. Check if the lotion is for your skin type before purchase. If not sure, contact your beautician.
ü  Keep hands off the face; avoid the temptation to touch your face every now and then. There is a likelihood of spreading bacterial with the hands. Likewise, avoid propping the chin with your hands.
ü  Use the right make up and sparingly; It is important to understand make ups that one is using for the face. To protect the skin, use a foundation that augers well with the skin. Do not over apply the makeup.
Acne treatment
Doctors use a combination of several therapies, gels and drugs to treat acne. Treatment is based on the severity and the cause of the infection.
ü  Use of oral antibiotics such as monocycline and doxycycline
ü  Use of gels such as dapsone and clindamycin
ü  A laser procedure called photodynamic therapy.
ü  Women whose acne is caused by hormonal changes may use spironolactone pill.
ü  Cortisone is injected into cysts that may have formed on the skin.
It is important not to prick the pimples as they cause scars and spread the bacteria. Furthermore, avoid wearing baseball caps, hats and headbands when infected since they concentrate sweat in those areas building up bacteria.

Tuesday 2 October 2012


Life isn't easy. The more we live the more we realise this is true. However, there is something that most people never realise about the 'hard life' they are living. If they could figure it out, it would change their whole lives. The thing that most people do not realize about the 'hard' parts of living is that they get easier if you do them on the right time. The dishes in the sink are easier to wash before the food dries. The floors are easier to clean up spills before you walk on them. It's easier to make the bed every day than it is to find the lost possessions you tossed on the crumpled up bed linens while wasn't made.
  You can probably think of lots of things that are easier to do around the house if you do them when they need to be done rather than waiting until waiting until they become such a gigantic task to do. Lots of other sectors in life are also easier when we avoid procrastination of the jobs that need to be done. Its easier to afford the timely oil change than it is to acquire another car. It is easier to pay your utility bills befor they track down defaulters. You can afford to rent more movies if you never lose them, break them or fail to return them. Thats could help manage the 'hardness' in life.I Hope you now have the idea. A little more examples:
  Its easier to fix the loose carpet on the stair than to walk up and down it for six weeks on crunches(cheaper too) Its easier to find a new job or keep the one you have a negotiation for showing up on time and mastering up your area of specialization - a reputation you of course acquire by dedication and sacrifice over time. That is the magic formula!!! To make your life easier,do what needs to be done now!!! It's that simple.
If you are not a practitioner of this magic, I hope you try it out right away.

Thursday 27 September 2012


Go placidly amid noise and haste and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly and listen to others-even the dull and ignorant, they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons- they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter, for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your plans. Keep interested in your own career, however humble it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs, for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is. Many people strive for high ideas and everywhere life is full of heroism, be yourself.
Do not feign affection, neither be cynic about love. For in the face of aridity and disenchantment, it is as perennial as the grass. Take kindly the council of the years , gracefully surrendering the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune, but do not distress yourself with imaginings - many fears are borne of fatigue and loneliness. Beyond a wholesome discipline, be gentle with yourself. Your are a child of the universe placed here by God. No less than trees and the stars, you have a right to be there. And whether or not it is clear to you, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. Therefore be at peace with God. Whatever your labors and aspirations in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace with your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful and strive to be happy.

Monday 14 May 2012


I read a challenging story about people with “Doctorates of Fishology”. Let me share it with you: Now it came to pass that a group existed who called themselves fishermen. And lo, the fish were hungry week after week, month after month and year after year to be fished, those who called themselves fishermen met in meetings and talked about their call to fish, the abundance of fish and how they might go about fishing. Year after year, they carefully defined what fishing means, defended fishing as an occupation and declared that fishing is always to be the prime task of fishermen. These fishermen built large beautiful buildings for fishing headquarters. The plea was that everyone should be a fisherman and every fisherman should fish!! One thing they didn’t do however, they didn’t fish. In addition to meeting regularly, they organized a board to send out fishermen to other places where there were many fish. Over the years courses were offered on the needs of fish, the nature of fish, how to define fish, the psychological reactions of fish and how to approach and feed fish. Those who taught had doctorates in “fishology” but did not fish. After one stirring meeting on “The Necessity of Fishing”, one young fellow left the meeting and went fishing. The next he reported that he had caught two outstanding fish. He was honored for his excellent catch and scheduled to visit all the big meetings possible to tell how he did it. And so, he quit his fishing in order to have time to tell others about his experience. Imagine how hurt some when one day, a person suggested that those who don’t fish aren’t really fishermen, no matter how much they claim to be! All the time spent scheming, planning, detailing and research is useless unless an action is taken. The inertia to act is the biggest impediment to success. As one writer wrote “Instead of contemplating jumping off a cliff, it’s better to jump off the cliff and build wings along the way.’’ The entire theoretical hypothesis must be tested in real life. The time to act on your dreams is now!!!This is unless you are just building castles in the air. I have been inspired severally as I read about the attitude of one of the world’s greatest inventor. At age 67, Thomas Edison watched as fire destroyed much of his work and equipment. Time to retire? Time to hang up the lab coat? No way!! Not this man. “All our mistakes are burned up,” the inventor said.”Now we can start anew.” There may be a time to retire, but Edison knew his time had not come. The fire that consumed his work did not destroy the fire that burned within him to move on and continue. My friends, we have a long way to go, don’t retire now! If you have made mistakes don’t cry too long. Move on! The only man who never makes mistakes is the one who does nothing. Yea, he is only exempt from failures he who makes no efforts. When everything shouts, you can’t make it! Get stubborn, and go ahead. Purpose to move on. Seize the moment. Change or die! Move! A bucket with a small hole in the bottom gets just as empty as a bucket that is deliberately emptied. There is but one life for each of us: our own. Watch the watch. The ant preaches so much yet says nothing. The main reason is he/she is always moving towards accomplishment. Ura!!!

Wednesday 9 May 2012


The power of goal setting cannot be over emphasized. There are countless books and resources that enlighten on the same. It unleashes the power to set one in motion. To be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy and inspires your hopes. It should be big enough to motivate and force one to act. Let’s look at some basic facts on goal setting;

  • Write it out in detail.
Break down the goal in small executable tasks.This is the skeleton of the goal. Start implementing now!!! Keep a record of tasks done and whats left to do. "Eat that frog" Start with harder tasks and later the simple ones to build morale.
  • You need goals that stretch you.
Goals that are easily achieved  do not spur action. Ensure you think out of our current environment. Make sure that its achievement entails considerable effort and resources. You will realize that the higher the mark, the better you become on the way.
  • Create a breakthrough goal.
Have a master goal with smaller goals under it. Interrelate them in that they are all in line to achieving the ultimate goal. Purpose to achieve your ultimate destiny.
  • Reread your goals three times a day.
Create a book on your goals. Carry them around. Memorise them. Be crazy. Daydream about them.In the process, you will realise that you attract people and resources that are a requisite to achieving your goals.
  • One goal isn't enough.
Have several related goals. Set each goal in a way that it improves you. Make a list and swing into action.Channel your efforts into achieving them. Tick each goal out once  done.
  • Write yourself a cheque

Act as if you've achieved your goal. If its a business goal,maybe maximise profits.(most goals are always centred around money, fame and wealth.)Write the amount you would like to have in dummy cheque and put it a strategic location e.g. your desk, bed room ceiling to constantly see it. 

Friday 4 May 2012


Over the last weekend I have been at my rural home away from the noise and pollution in the city. The place is quiet with humming from the birds on the rooftops and trees. I raise a few chicks and sometimes I let them out into the open when its sunny. I keep watch lest they are taken away by birds of prey. I got engrossed in a book that I was reading and forgot the chicks(am not good at multitasking).
Out of the skies an eagle swooped down on one of the chicks and disappeared at break neck speed leaving the rest scampering for safety  underneath a rack. That was pretty fast!! ha  and interesting.(although I lost a chick which is sad). Later, I decided to do a little research on the eagle.
  • It has a powerful sight,a great vision with which its able to spot prey miles down.

A great vision helps one see the targeted end. One cannot get what they don't have a mental picture of. It prevents one from deviating from the primary task. It also acts as a measure of progress towards a predetermined goal. What you see is what you get.... Write you vision in broad colours,review it daily. Break it down to specific courses of action and get working to make it happen. It might be hard but make a move. In China they say"A journey of 1000 miles start with one step".
  • It moves to the prey at high speed. Extremely swift.

Acting fast makes one optimise the amount of time spent versus the cost. Procrastination is a killer disease as it wastes opportunities. Delay dallying is laziness. Don't wait act now!!! That opportunity might not be there tomorrow. Be organised and have a schedule and deadlines. It increases efficiency.
  • It eats fresh prey not carcasses.

It takes hot blood ,sweet fresh flesh. Vultures and other scavengers follow the carnivorous. Eat the dead and decaying. Be a go getter and take initiative avoid camouflaging behind others. Opportunities will befall the initiators.
  • When teaching its young ones to fly, it drops them at high attitude and then moves swiftly to get hold of those that are not able to spread their wings and fly.

This is a serious risk and some of the birds will fall to the ground and die. Most of the highest paying tasks carry the greatest risk. Do you have an appetite for risk or do you want to live in a save haven. Learn from the school of hard knocks. A challenge overcomed is some muscle built.
  • They fly high  and live high up in the trees and hills

This differentiates the eagle from the rest of low flying sparrows and woodpeckers. Differentiation creates room for expansion whether the differentiation is real or imagined. Create a difference between what you do and persons doing similar tasks. Get everyone to appreciate the difference and you will be set apart making you better.

Thursday 3 May 2012


I was in West lands last week and could not help notice that the place has become dirtier and disorganised. Taking a walk round the centre, I realised that there were no dustbins but so many signs reading,"usimwage takataka hapa. By order from city clerk". Take a look at many of city council maintained roads, big pot holes, uncovered manholes and unattended bus parks that are muddy. Most of benches and sitting racks were sold off long ago as scrap metal. Most of the traffic lights don't work. Where dustbins are provided, they are overrunning with trash. It is an organisation famed for collecting revenue for services not delivered. Take a look at their website, they only remembered it after the certification. A recent survey by PriceWaterhouse Coopers showed that over 90% of their staff is incompetent. Imagine!!! Their officers on the ground are very rude and are only interested in running after petty crime with so much vigour!!!
Taking a tour to the houses they manage, you will notice that they have not been refurbished for long to an extent that the tenants have to repair the houses themselves. Grass has overgrown in many of these places making the place a health hazard. They always come to their own defence when buildings collapse yet they approved their plans. Too much for that. We (city dwellers) are amazed that with all this they still get an ISO Certification. Funny that incompetence is also rewarded.